Wednesday, March 14, 2007

R.I.P. Stardust

Alas, Vegas will never be the same. The Stardust Casino is gone. The venerable casino at the north end of the strip, home to many years of debauchery and booze-addled shenanigans, was imploded yesterday to make room for a casino that is newer, shinier, and undoubtedly has the good sense to never allow me or my friends through the door.

But how I will miss the Stardust.
Gimme another sports book where...
You can still find a seat at the bar at 2:00 pm when you finally roll out of bed.
There's a McDonald's strategically placed halfway between it and your hotel.
You can choose the no-brainer option of drinking out of a souvenir beer mug all day.
You can walk next door and get a $1 margarita, and a $1 18-inch hot dog (not recommended).
You can (and should) sing at the top of your lungs with the lounge cover band.

Stardust was the best of a bygone era and now all that remains of it is my souvenir beer mug. R.I.P.


SergeantSuj said...

I'm glad you snuck in a "no-brainer" comment because the amount of money you lost at the Stardust after placing bets you described as "no-brainers" is staggering, likely more than the GDP of several broke-ass countries.

Aquaman said...

Sad, sad day my friends... at least the Westward Ho still stands!

DIII Player said...

Like watching a good friend die. And just like you should do in that situation, you head on over to another friend's place and get shithoused.